by Matthew David Valverde
So many years of sin, bad memories and poor choices,
my head filled with a thousand voices,
a student still trying to apply God’s word to life’s courses.
How do we stop history from repeating itself?
The hurts, emotions and pain, the means to an end with so little gain, striving to be better, no one to blame, life still the same, I must refocus my aim.
Another day passes, another day’s gone, standing alert, ready and waiting. Blink my eyes once, again its dawn, days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, where does the time go? The past was just a minute ago.
What is this engraving that sometimes has me craving? I’ve been freed from my slavery. Stop the bleeding, I define succeeding, love, family, relationship… what else am I needing. No more competing, Man up, be the father I’m called to be and begin leading.
I must accept the past for what it is, past. Let go, understand and grasp the future. We reap what we sow and are judged for what we do and do not know. There are two types of ignorance, choice and lack of resource, free will in place, no one forced, past, present, future somehow forged.
I’ve never heard it said or even read that life’s simple, but it is written that all things are possible and we’ll never face anything we can't handle. We must burn bright our inner candle, mind over matter, spirit over flesh. Real life, not a scandle. The past is a tool for the future which is determined by you.
love this. it's therapy.